Who can say anything bad about spring, that long-awaited season ofglorious golden color, of sunshine, crocus, daffodils and forsythia?Spring showers, too, are occasions for delight, especially this yearwhen so much of the country is worried about drought after a long,snowless winter.
But there is a downside to spring, first noticeable about the sametime as the robin's return. I'm talking mud.
I'm not complaining. Mud means the ground is thawing, that thereis moisture in the dirt and that gardens are ready to be planted.It's just that we have to deal with it.
In the design of many mid-century houses often traditional countryhouse features were abandoned in favor of a more streamlined,contemporary look.
One relic of America's early country homes was the mudroom.Mudrooms were a standard precisely because they allowed farmers andgardeners coming in out of the yard a transitional space to take offcover-alls, boots and soiled clothing before coming into the house.
In modern homes, the mudrooms were left out of the design becausethey were reminders of a rural past that many wanted to forget. Butthere still was all that mud to consider.
Fortunately, many homes built within the last 10 years do addressthe transitional space. However, if your home is like mine and wasbuilt without a mudroom or with the attitude that the servants cantake care of the mess, let's address how you can keep order withoutrelying on a full-time staff.
If space at the back door is an issue, as in there is no spacethere and it opens right into a kitchen or living area, considerthis: Choose an all-weather metal door that swings out rather thanin. If there is no porch overhang or protected area, attach awaterproof canvas or metal awning above the door and provide a benchoutside where people can sit and remove boots.
If you do have a closet inside the door but it is inadequate foryour needs, first consider if some type of closet organizing systemwould help you create order out of chaos.
The Container Store and Hold Everything catalogues have lots ofideas for closet organization. Or call a company such as CaliforniaClosets to come in and redesign the space for you.
If taking care of the floor is your biggest concern at theentrance where mud is likely to happen, consider tiling a portion ofthe entryway.
An alternative floor covering is an old-fashioned, washable floorcloth that you create yourself.
Author Chris Casson Madden is the host of "Interiors by Design" onHome & Garden Television.
Scripps Howard News Service
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